Welcome to Our Saviour’s. If you are planning a visit to our congregation for the first time, we want you to know how glad we are to have you with us. We also want to take this opportunity to explain our worship service to you, so that you will feel at home.

Our congregation follows a “liturgical” order of service. This means that there is a basic structure in our service. This basic structure consists of Scripture (God’s word) put to song. It is Trinitarian and Christ-centered.
The orders of service that we follow are from the front part of the Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary. The Pastor will make announcements throughout the service so that you can follow along.
We hope and pray that you will be blessed by the ministry of God’s Word during your time at Our Saviour’s. We hope that you will come and worship with us again next week. You will always be most welcome in our midst, in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ!